What Does A Copywriter Do? 8 Ways To Make Money Copywriting 2021


What Does A Copywriter Do? 8 Ways To Make Money Copywriting 2021

Have you ever wondered what services you should offer as a copywriter?

the great thing about being a freelance copywriter is that you can offer whatever you want or whatever you don't want.

So I've broken down these services into three categories

and the first one is of course copywriting services.

So this first category is the list of services

that actually fall under a copywriter's job description,in my opinion.So this is what savvy clients who actually understand

what you do may ask you to do for them.

please keep in mind that this is your copywriting business and you do not have to offer all of these assets if you don't want to.

Number #1 "Advertise"

 The first is ads.So this can include digital ads,like the ones you see on Google, Facebook, or Instagram,video ads you can see on YouTube,or even printed ads that you might see in newspapers or in direct mail.

Now the main purpose of digital ads of course is to get the click. Now with ads, in fact, with all forms of copywriting,

it is very important to remember that your headline or that first few sentences of text

are the most important thing to get right.

Because in the age of the scroll,you have to master the art of crafting compelling headlines.All great ads grab attention with a powerful hook.

Number #2 "Email Marketing"

Emails sent out to a list of subscribers with

 the sole purpose of marketing something.

Although great email campaigns should also add a lot of value and focus on building rapport with the list.

So depending on your client's needs,they may ask you for many different types of emails,

like autoresponders or an indoctrination sequence,sales emails, content emails, affiliate emails,or re-engagement emails.

As a copywriter,you can add all of these to your list of services but as a copywriter, your job is only to write these emails.into your client's email-sending software,unless you want to.

Number #3 "Landing Page"

It's like a sales page, but shorter, and used

 for the purpose of lead generation.

So the number one job of your ad is to convert

 more eyeballs into clips,and the number one job of your landing page is to convert more clicks into leads.

You wanna motivate and inspire a prospect

to enter their information,

typically their first name and email in exchange for a free high value promise

or what is more commonly referred to as a lead magnet.


Number #4 "Sale Page"

It is also the page that you'll get paid the most money to write.The copywriting magic need you to turn prospects into paying customers is where persuasion and psychology and major writing swagger comes into play.

In my opinion,all copywriters need to master this skill because it is what sets us apart from other content writers.

Now, if you're a copywriter or a business owner looking to write a high converting sales page that will get you paid and keep your clients and prospects coming back for more,

Number #5"Homepages and Website Copy"

So this is what I refer to as branding copy or authority copy.Well, conversions are still really important on your main homepage.

Your brand message is everything.

Your homepage is that first thing people see

when visiting your website,so you have to make a good first impression The goal of a homepage is simple.To create trust, and

build authority

Number #6 "About Page"

So with more and more audiences seeking out products,coaches and businesses that share the same values that they have,

well written About pages are a great opportunity to share a brand story, vision, mission, philosophy,and what makes them different.It's your way of answering the question,

So as a copywriter,you can offer this to anyone who doesn't already have an About page

Number #7 "Promotional Videos and Video Sales Letters"

Promotional videos are used for the purpose

of promoting a specific marketing initiative,

event, or product.

They are typically short and sweet and get to the point.The copy part of promotional videos

will include the videos titles, subtitles,or any copy that's used in the visual elements throughout the video.And of course the script.

And it's really important to remember that although copy is only part of what makes a great promo video,up to 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound.So make sure that the copy you have in your script 

that shows in the subtitles is essential to boosting your conversions.So another type of video marketing

that requires some major copywriting skills

are VSLs or video sales letters.

So video sales letters are similar to a written sales letters except they are written scripts rather than a written page and they are showcased in video form.

your job as the copywriter is just to write the script, not to produce the actual videos.

Number #8"Product Description"

So product descriptions refer to that short little blurb of text that describes what a product is,what it does, and why someone should buy it.They're typically used in e-commerce stores where copy space for products is very limited but a common mistake that I see made all the time is boring product descriptions that just describe the product.

So great product descriptions need to go deeper than the boring left brain need to know stuff.You want customers to read your product and think, "Wow, okay.That is something I really need,it is interesting, unique, smart, funny, I gotta get it."

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