How To Make Money Online: 5 Unconventional Streams of Income For Copywriters 💰


How To Make Money Online: 5 Unconventional Streams of Income For Copywriters

Five  unique ways you can make money online as a copywriter,

Number one:" Copyediting and proofreading"

So let me start with a big old disclaimer.

 to become a great copywriter,you need to be fluent in the language, have a flair for words, and be passionate about marketing.

But here is a shocolking truth about most copywriters.We are some of the worst spellers and proof readers in the wordsmithing world.It's not because we don't know how to spell, it's just that we're often so focused on that high level strategy and all those ideas that we miss the finer details like spelling and grammar.

there are so many copywriters,marketers and business owners out there like me who need their webpages, marketing funnels, emails and content edited and proofread before it can be published online ,or sent to the end client.proofreading is standard line by line

review of simple spelling and grammar,copy editing is more holistic and requires you to evaluate the overall flow and feel of an entire piece.So whether you have some formal academic training when it comes to editing or proofreading,or you just fancy yourself, a little bit of a perfectionist,when it comes to spelling or grammar,this might be the perfect service to add to your repertoire, to create an additional source of income.Now, aside from scouring gig platforms and ads, you can even do some investigation yourself and reach out to brands you follow to offer your editing and proofreading skills

Number #2 "Social Media Management."

Posts and ads on social media that have great format and design,but lack the enticing copy needed to actually compel viewers to take action.With user-friendly tools like Canva to create beautiful graphics and tools like the Later app to schedule your posts, it is totally possible and actually pretty simple for you to add social media management to your scope of services.In fact, I think all business owners 

should hire copywriters to help them with their social media, because great copy is the difference between those accounts that have large social media followings and the accounts that can actually monetize their large social media followings

Number #3 "Project management."

Project managers are organizational task masters that make sure projects are completed on time and on budget.

So they're the coordinators between all the different teams,the writers, the designers, and the developers.They delegate tasks and manage project work flow,

and of course, yes, they track deadlines and deliverables.So if you're just starting out as a copywriter,taking on the role of project manager can be a really great way to get your foot in the door.

if you like working with systems and processes,are highly organized and enjoy interpersonal communication.

But thanks to apps like Asana and Slack,

your job has already been made so much easier.And while it does take experience

for you to really ace this space,there are plenty of young companies out there that need organized, reliable and productive project management along with killer copy.

Number #4 "Monetized content."

Monetize content is a great way to pad your bank account every single month 

if you're focused and passionate about building an audience.

So depending on your medium of choice,

whether it be Instagram, podcasts, YouTube, or a blog,

there are multiple ways to monetize your content through sponsorships, advertising spots and AdSense. 

Or by utilizing platforms such as Patreon

which has revolutionized the influencer space.This platform has been a saving grace

for independent artists and creators worldwide.It lets fans and supporters become active participants in their work with a monthly membership that gives them access to premium content.But this is not exclusive to just musicians and artists,

many writers, content creators, and even podcast hosts have used sites like Patreon 

to engage directly with their supporters and get regular payments through membership fees. 

So you could offer paid short stories,educational articles, opinion pieces 

or even personal content about your experience as a copywriter. 

Now this type of income stream may take a while before it becomes fruitful,as it does rely on an established brand and following.

But having a community that advocates for you and believes in your work will ultimately benefit your career and boost your authority in the long run.

Number # 5 "Content writing and paid articles"

So you may presume that the blogosphere

has become totally fatigued and oversaturated and therefore no longer a decent source of income for writers.

But now more than ever before businesses out there are looking for consistent, relatable

and share worthy content.And that ranges from everything from blog posts and articles

to case studies and content videos 

This is why job postings for content writers

are still flooding marketplaces everywhere.

Brands want strong writers like you

who know how to write catchy hooks,

provide valuable wisdom and engage with their specific audience.

Now the trick is to actually find a content writing client that will let your writing shine its brightest.

So go for brands that have a clear strategy,

prioritize quality and of course fall under a niche that you specialize in.

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