What is Digital Marketing|Importance of Digital Marketing 2021!!!!


What is Digital Marketing|Importance of Digital Marketing 2021!!!!


 What is digital Marketing???

Digital Marketing is the process of promoting and selling products and services with digital marketing tools.

In itself, digital marketing is a huge umbrella term,

involving concepts such as social media marketing, search engine optimization, native marketing and others.it’s the process of leveraging digital platforms and strategies to promote a business online.

 Digital marketing covers a lot of areas it's very broad  and really what it refers to just

marketing that a company does a person 

does an individual a group an organization

and really what it refers to just  marketing that a company does, a person does, an individual, a group ,an organization does  and they do it in the form of an electronic device or with the aid  of  the internet

so that's really what digital marketing is

 it's just having  something digitally not something tangible like a billboard or newspaper or TV and with that there are lots of places where you can apply digital marketing and so electronic devices we

think of mobile devices and so you can

certainly use mobile as a form of digital marketing

#Importance Of Digital Marketing!!!

 In order to help you  with your marketing efforts digitally  you can create apps you can run advertising on mobile you can communicate with different people your

target audience via different devices like whatsapp and messaging

there's also search engines  where a lot of

  people get their information from at least start to do the research to get information you

have social media lots of different social media platforms all the way from you know tweeting to blogging to a social sharing to social content  a lot of platforms under the bucket  social media

you also have traditional forms of digital marketing like email you can use  different email platforms to send out  email so lots of different ways to communicate your product your service,  your message to a large number of people  that are really targeted to your efforts

How  is digital marketing useful????

digital marketing useful well we  know

 provides different metrics why do  we know

 it provides different metrics  because it's all digital   so anytime you send out an email or post something  on Facebook

you're going to get databack when you get data back you could


take that data to determine how well  that posed  or that email performed and

 if it didn't perform up to expectation  you can

make changes to improve  performance that's called optimization


so that's the great thing about  digital marketing  it's useful in that we  get data

in some cases instantaneously and we're able to make changes in order to optimize that campaign we can also  you know provide personalized user  experience so meaning if we know who our target audiences on say Twitter or  LinkedIn or Facebook we can really cater our messaging to that group probably

most importantly is that digital marketing


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