Copywriting Tutorial: How To Write Sales Copy For “Boring” Everyday Products

How to sell everyday products,

non-essential commodities or household items in a market where there is a ton of competition?

I get it, it's hard to convince anyone that this bouquet, loveseat,or farm fresh poultry is going to change their life.

These types of products aren't solving a massive or immediate pain point for customers,which can make your job as a marketer and copywriter a little bit tricky.

They are called commodities for a reason.

They are common.

I mean, when there's hundreds or even thousands of different options for that loaf of bread you can buy, how can you, the business, win the attention

and the dollars of the customer?

Well, rest assured while it might not be easy to stand out in an oversaturated market, it is possible.

I'm gonna share three ways you can position everyday products so they stand out and sell out.

Three powerful positioning strategies

Number #1 "Speak to your customers' self-identity."

First, you wanna identify your ideal customer.

Yes, ideal, your most perfect customer.

Figure out who they are,and then stop trying to appeal to anyone else except them.

Because remember, if you try to sell to everyone,you'll end up selling to no one.

And this is especially important

if you're selling in a commodity market.

You need to gain a deep understanding of your ideal customer,

but not just the things they like and dislike.

Ask yourself what are their core values?

How do they make decisions?

What do they prioritize?

What do they go out of their way to get?

You get the picture here.

Remember that everything we buy is a reflection of who we are and who we think we are.

So you want your marketing to help your ideal customers self-identify with your product

by speaking directly to who they are.

Number # 2 "Make your USP


Your USP, or unique selling proposition, is a statement

that showcases what makes your product different,better or faster than your competitors. 

But one of the most common mistakes

that brands and businesses make is using their USP as a way to boast or brag about themselves.

Yes, of course, you want your USP to position you as the clear choice,

but you can't forget that just like everything in business,

it's not about you;it is about them, your customers

Number # 3"Create a memorable brand experience."

You've already gone through all of the hard work of researching your ideal customer

and addressing them directly in your unique selling proposition.

But it is one thing to say you do, believe,

or represent something and quite another

to make it a real life tangible experience.

So you can "talk the talk,

but can you walk the walk?" as they say

You need to show up and be the brand you claim you are in every nook and cranny of your business.

And yes, that applies to copywriting too.

The images and the words you use on your website,social media, captions, headlines, ads, and emails.

Everything needs to be sending one clear

and cohesive message that is firmly rooted

in the brand experience you want to create.

when it comes to outselling your competition, it is this.

Even though you might be selling boring

or everyday products,people like to buy from the brands and businesses 

that share the same values as them.

It is as simple as that.

Having the best product is no longer enough.

Having the cheapest product is no longer the only positioning tactic,

which is great news for you as marketers and copywriters.

So figure out what values are top of mind

for your audience right now,

and then hone in on that.

That is how you stand out,

that is how you sell out,

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