How To Run A Discovery Sales Call: 5 Questions To Turn Prospects Into Paying Clients 🤑


How To Run A Discovery Sales Call: 5 Questions To Turn Prospects Into Paying Clients 🤑

How to run the perfect client discovery call

(also known as a sales call),

including the five questions you must ask

to turn that prospect into a paying client.

The goal of a discovery call is to build rapport

with your potential client and to get a better idea of who they are, what they do,

how you can help them solve a problem...

And perhaps most importantly,if you vibe with each other.

Tips for setting up the call.

So in your request for a call,ask them what time zone they are in and for three times that work in their calendar this week.

 do not do the whole...

Once they get back to you with three time slots pick a time that also works for you 

and then go ahead and schedule a 30-minute call in your calendar and send them the invite.

Now, it's really important for you to take charge of this and lead the way here.

Going back and forth and not giving any direction does not give a very good first impression.

And plus the goal here is to make their life easier.Leaving all the decisions up to them 

will just add one more thing to their to-do list and the call likely won't happen

do not send them a Calendly link to grab a spot in your calendar.

I know it's easier for you, but it's kind of impersonal and it implies that you're so busy 

that you're not able to prioritize their needs

when you are the one looking for work.

So I like to use Calendly when there's an equal power dynamic,but if you're a brand new freelancer and they're well-established business owner,show them that you're willing to make any time work.

It'll make you look more dedicated, flexible,

and easy to work with and shows them that you're a take charge person who will make their life easier.

#Copy Posse pro tip.

That way when they see it in their calendar

they know exactly what it is and who they're going to be talking to.Because then that is what they see in their calendar,and they are not having a discovery call with themselves.

your conversation should be very organic.

You don't want it to sound like you're grilling them or interviewing them. Let the natural environment of questions and conversation happen.Your job is to be curious about their company and brand

#Copy Posse pro tip two

Do not ask yes or no questions.This will inevitably lead you to do more talking than your prospect,which is never a good thing on a discovery call.So instead of asking...

And don't ask multiple questions at once.

Ask just one at a time and allow their answers

to naturally lead into the next question.

Five  questions to ask during your next discovery call.

Number #1

I know this is a really broad question but it's a great ice breaker.It's a fantastic opportunity to get the conversation It's also a great way to suss out their expectations.So are they looking for a magical cure 

* to a tanking business and think copywriting is the answer?

* Are they looking to rock their upcoming launch?

*Are they looking to up-level their brand messaging?

Knowing this is so important

so you know how to guide the conversation

Number #2

Ask them how they got started in their industry,

what they're most passionate about and why they do it.

This will give you a really good feel for the type of business they are, what they stand for,

and ultimately if you guys stand for the same thing.So if you're resonating with what they're saying,that's a really good sign of a good fit.

Number #3

It's basic, but it is important.

In order to know if and how you can help them,you first need to understand the full scope of the project.So when they answer this question. really dive deep into the specific types of copy they need.


Go back to the customer avatar.

So believe it or not they're actually people

and entire companies out there who have no friggin' idea

who they are selling to.

So this is a really great time to get inside the head of your client's audience.

If they don't know the answer, do a little digging to see if they have at least a general idea of who will end up buying their product. 

And also let them know that you can help them build an entire customer avatar from scratch which will drastically increase their conversions and brand success... and make you look even more profesh.


So this is more of a nuts and bolts logistically

kind of question but it is so important to discuss briefly.

If they want a long form sales page in two days,

I'm sorry but that's probably not going to work

And they most likely have no idea how much work and research actually goes into a well-crafted sales page.So this is your opportunity to gently educate them on the amount of time and work that's required for the copy they need.

Now, there are a lot of other questions 

that you can ask, of course.So let your conversation naturally flow and ask whatever comes to mind.Once you have the answers you need to send a quote for the scope of work, you can wrap up the call.

And just like at the beginning,you want to continue to make this process as easy and seamless as possible for them assuming you do want to move forward, of course.

So at the end of your call,

let them know that you'll follow up with a quote,writing samples if they haven't already requested them and a timeline of deliverables.

When you tell them that YOU'LL follow up 

you're giving them one less thing to worry about and one more reason to trust you.

So simply say, "Great, thanks so much.

It was a pleasure talking to you.

I'll be sending you a follow-up email with the next steps."And this is really important.

Follow up the same day via email.Thank them again for their time and let them know that you want to work with them to help them achieve their goal.

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