5 New Ways To Make Money Online With Your Website ( Triple Your Income! )


5 New Ways To Make Money Online With Your Website ( Triple Your Income! )

Five new techniques to monetize your

website  and make more money even with the same  number of visitors every month

so whether you have a website already or you want to start a website or a blog  you can

make money from different methods on the

 same website.

Number #1 "Paid Guest Post"

Number one simply is accepting paid

guest posts.So if you have a blog

where you can accept guest posts, you can

charge people for posting on your blog.

If you have like maybe 5 000 visitors per month, 10 000 visitors per month and so on

what people get of this?

simply,they get traffic.So, people in your blog

they will see their articles and read it and

 inside the articles they may be  promoting

their services

Number #2 "Monetize With Ads"

You can post Google ads on your website.

Also, another option with ads is to sell ad spaces on your website

 You can create a newsletter add a small ad for someone else.

So you can promote other services inside

your newsletter and get paid for

 This is really an awesome option also to

monetize your newsletter. 

This is not spamming, you are just sending your subscribers,and at the bottom of the newsletter, you can maybe add a promoted post or so on.So this about monetizing with ads using Google AdSense or similar networks, selling ad spaces or monetizing

your newsletters.

Number # 3  "Repixel"

What is three Repixel??

Simply is advertising the traffic.Maybe you

heard about Facebook pixels, Quora pixels,

Google ads pixels. This is a small code that

 you add in your website.so you can track your

visitors and then retarget them in a Facebook ad.So this strategy number three which is using a website called Repixel


Number # 4 "Affiliate Marketing."

This is really so important So you can simply share affiliate links in your blog post, or a

small note in your website

 Promoting products for someone else,

Affiliate marketing  is to market products that you don't own.It's for someone else and you will get  paid  when an action is done on the product.

Affiliate marketing goes mainly in three steps

Step #2

Step number two is simply choosing a

 product to promote.That simple! So we have online  hundreds, maybe thousands, of products  that you can promote as an affiliate

marketer. You just need to  pick one, or two, or maybe 10  and start promoting

How to  pick  a product???

The first website is  warriorplus.com.

This is a very good website for beginners

2 #The second  network  is cj affiliate

3 #  The third network  is impact.com

4 #  The fourth network is  clickbank.

5 # Network number five is shareAsale

So this is how you pick a product. You go

to an affiliate network  and you will find a lot of products to  start promoting.

Other than affiliate networks, we have affiliate products.

Number #5 "Accepting Donations"

If you want to get more money also using your website is simply accepting donations.

if you are giving somehow good value to people,they will be maybe happy to donate you like with five ten dollars or more depending on your content. So you can simply go to PayPal and add a PayPal button to accept donations or if you don't have PayPal in your country, you can go with a website called Patreon which allows you to accept using Pioneer and by the way here you have two patterns

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