Fiverr Gigs That Require No Skill & 0 Dollars For Beginners | Make Money Online Fast Today!


Fiverr Gigs That Require No Skill & 0 Dollars For Beginners | Make Money Online Fast Today

Fiverr gig ideas for  beginners to start making money online today  

make money online on fiverr or maybe on upwork  or freelancer or maybe sell your own services  


Number#1 "Content Research"

Content research or content planning    to make things simple for you anyone now  

on the internet who has a blog or a youtube  channel is publishing content so obviously  

all those people need content ideas for this you can use any free tools ,any free SEO tools

it  will give you the monthly search volume on youtube  and the difficulty on youtube so you will use this  metrics to get the best ideas

you can use the service to  provide as a gig to your clients really it's very  helpful and they will love to get the service  from you

now how to choose the best keywords? simply  you can search for keywords or topics with high  monthly search volume  this is really very important for  making money online for him for your client so you  will help him make more money also by choosing the 

best keywords for with a high cpc

 you can go to the seo keyword research tool  

 and find now target keywords  on google

Number #2 "providing or selling ad spaces

 and backlinks"

it's simply selling  an ad on your website

why it's cpm based  because he will not pay per click he will pay per  view so for each 1000 views he is paying around  0.6 or 0.7 dollars now this pricing depends on  your website, how much traffic do you have and  the countries from where visitors are coming  

if your website like has %80 or %90 traffic  from the U.S you can charge more like $2 or $3  for 1,000 impressions 

what do you mean by backlinks? 

maybe you can sell  a backlink and not an ad space

a backlink simply is  mentioning a link for another website because this  will help him in SEO and ranking on google

Number #3 " Setting Up a Wordpress Website"


Three is simply setting up a wordpress website  you need to sign up with digitalocean cloud  you will get around $100 for one month to test  anything you want

in digital  ocean after you sign up we can simply create  a droplet here,create a droplet and then you can  simply set up a wordpress website. you can see here  

go to marketplace and then select wordpress  you see this just select wordpress and go down  and select a size for the machine this depends on  the client needs he may tell you i want a machine  like for $10, $5 and so on you select the machine  and then simply select the region where you want  this website to be like in in the U.S in london  and so on you select the place and set the  password here let's set the password and then go  down and click create droplet and now digitalocean  will do everything for you it will create the  droplet for you the wordpress website for you  

 you have a  full wordpress website to give to your client  and this website is hosted on a vps service so  it's somehow a premium service you can give to  your clients a premium hosting a premium wordpress  hosting to your client and that's it you have your  wordpress website, you can access now with   ip or just point the domain to this ip and start  and give to your client, so this is the third  service is providing and setting up wordpress for  your clients

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